
If I had to define the style of the pieces that make up « Itaca » (Ithaca), I would say that it is « my-tango ». An intimate tango, the music of my imaginary town. A town where we come from and a town where, ultimately, we return, a town that we carry, that we invent and that we forge in ourselves. The music of “Itaca” is that of a place whose name is unimportant, but, like the poem by Kavafis, the importance is the journey that we take, once we have left the place, and find it, over and over again, often where we least expect it.

This album could not have existed without the complicity of four great musicians and friends. The compositions are mainly the result of our many concerts and journeys across many continents, of nearly just as many celebrations, of our rich differences and our improbable common points.

These poets, these lions, with whom I had the chance to record « Itaca » are called :: Eric Chalan, Gerardo Jerez le Cam, Iacob Maciuca and Juanjo Mosalini.

I am forever indebted to them.

The quintet that we form would not be fully complete without its sixth member : Philippe Teissier du Cros, who had the ear and the technique to record and mix this album. Our deepest thanks to him.





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